Wednesday, December 24, 2008

REAL Family Press - 12/24/08 - Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas Eve, everyone~!!! I hope this finds everyone ready for Santa to come tonight… A HUGE thanks goes out to Santa’s Elves Online who worked their little keyboards and creative brains to pieces, answering all the emails from the kids (little and big) online for yet another year… Some have come back year after year and a “e-APPLUASE” to every one of them! Hip-hip-HURRAH!!! (bowing deeply from the waist)…

Well, I must have been a bad girl this year because Santa gave me a big fat head cold (or now chest cold) this week ahead of time… I ‘gave into it’ yesterday but today I’m doing one of those ‘pull yourself up by your bootstraps’ routines because it is Christmas Eve… Apparently I kept Paul up last night with my coughing and congestion (my, what a switch, huh?)…

But I’m afraid he’s caught it also… However I’m not so sure who brought it home first… We’re a ‘kissy-kissy’ bunch around here and I felt fine… Went to adoptions on Saturday and within an hour of coming home, my throat started feeling scratchy… Then it went downhill from there!

Unfortunately, the latest foster I pulled from the shelter is also battling diarrhea and a bit of food aggression – both take time to be taken care of and when I’m sick, my reserve of patience usually runs lower… He was in the shelter for 5 months, so my heart strings got pulled, and I couldn’t put him out of my head… No one else overwhelms me – I do it all by myself!... LOL…

So, between running for tissues for me, I also am running for paper towels and Nature’s Miracle nonstop right now… At least it keeps life interesting, huh? Tiny Tim didn’t get adopted in time for Christmas, so he’ll be spending the holidays with us as well… They say “there is always room for one more around the table” and I guess I am grateful for the things I can do… Bandit is #45 since I made that promise to Rogaine and I need to keep that in front of me mentally instead of this sore and runny nose! Get with it, Linda!... LOL… I have the CD from “Momma Mia!” running and that’s good to keep you stepping right along as you get your chores done for the day!

Last year, Paul went to a jeweler’s and bought me a diamond for our 10th wedding anniversary… I’m not an ungrateful woman, but there are three parts of my body that I’m a bit particular about (my eyes, my fingers and my feet)… As I’ve gotten older, even those have lost whatever charm they had… And I’m very particular about the kinds of rings I wear – consequently I wear few!... LOL…

I tried to learn to like the ring he bought (even more because of what he paid for it), but I just didn’t like it even one little bit… I didn’t want to hurt his feelings (but I did in the end anyway)… After a few days I just put it away and didn’t wear it, and although he doesn’t notice much, he did this… The end result after a lot of grief, is that I wanted to take it back… The jeweler’s response (reader’s digest) was that it “has the value of glass once you walk out the door with it”…

Them be fighting words, ya know?...

No exaggeration here, I fought them all year long over this… It was paid for by an American Express card and eventually they agreed to a store credit – not good enough!... What guarantee do I have the merchandise I walk out with will be of any greater ‘value than glass’ after an ordinary transaction and all this hulla-ba-loo, ya know?

Eventually we won – we returned it in the box, worn maybe three times and received a full credit on the AMEX account… I knew we would win eventually just because it became a matter of principle for me… And I seldom give up or in on those things… Especially when I feel I am getting ripped off in a major way… $2,500 is a MAJOR ripoff for something that you don’t like and is going to sit in a box in a drawer somewhere…

Not even intending to replace it at all, I was in Mervyn’s with Desiree last week and she got an AWESOME coverlet for $5.09~!!!... Her first ‘OWN’ purchase for one day when she eventually moves out… Passing by the jewelry counter with so many empty shelves, I spotted a ring that I really liked… So much I stopped and asked to try it on… And drooled… Something I’m not apt to do…

Desiree hit Paul with it as soon as he came home apparently… LOL…

Tired as he was, back we went and although the one I was looking at was gone, there was another very close to the same design… Don’t quote clarity and weight to me, ‘cause I’m just that kind of gal… Things like this (to me) are all about look and if my fingers won’t look fat wearing them… LOL…

Bottom line is that I finally got my diamond after 11 years of marriage!... At 80% off of the usual purchase price… I’m a happy, happy camper in more ways than one… Even better, we spent 8-9% of what he did last year… That’s my kind of price tag – a ring I can wear every day without having to stick my hand in a bubble wrap bag, ya know?

Tonight will be very quiet around here… Desiree is doing a great deed for someone else – she’s house- and pet-sitting for someone so they can all get together as a family in another state… She’ll come home from work, pack a few things, then get over there before they leave… She’ll come home tomorrow after she’s got all the chores done with the dogs, cats and horses… Be here for a few hours and then head back for the afternoon routine…

I expect to get a lot of phone calls the next four days until she comes back home once they get back!... LOL… She’s not really that far away from us (same valley) and she’s looking forward to doing this just because it’s a nice thing to do for someone else… I’ve gone once with her on a practice run and she’ll do fine…

The bittersweet part about all of this is that it will be the first time she’s not awoken here at home with me on Christmas morning… Through the years, she’s not been as enthusiastic about being woken up at 4AM to open presents… … So I anticipate those times are gone until she’s married and the first grandchild comes along…

In the meantime, this is a ‘themed’ Christmas for her… I won’t say what it is because she still reads the Press and I don’t want to give away the surprise ahead of time… But I think she’ll love what Paul and I have gotten for her… Our baby is growing up!

Well, “Squirts” has decided to bestow another present (thankfully he’s learned to hit the pitty pads finally!)… So I must close for now and wish you and yours the best ever of family holiday times… Stay safe, out of the snow, ice, sleet and rain – enjoy your families, fireplaces and memories to be made which are priceless!

Hugs to all and Merry Christmas to all!
The Lady

Linda, Paul and Desiree

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