While I'm a nutso about smells and odors, there are times that that small opening will allow flies to come into the house... And even one in the house is annoying to all of us, so I have been trying that Amish ziplock bag, water and penny trick since yesterday... So far, it seems to be working even if it looks as goofy as can be...
I was looking at it yesterday afternoon and was thinking how much everything around us is really a mirror of ourselves... It is said if you don't like someone, it is usually because they exhibit something you don't like about yourself subconsciously... There could be something to that, for sure...
I have often thought how Desiree is a reflection of me and how what she does is a direct reflection on what she's seen me do or say... When she looks as cute as a bug, or does something so compassionate and/or spectacular, I know DEEP inside there is a warm glow of pride that holds me through some of the bad times...
With men?... I'm not so sure their mirror is as exacting as ours is... I guess to some extent it operates like ours does... They seem to worry more about the reflection of achievement physically as opposed to emotionally like we women do... I've never been impressed with how much a man has, but what they did with what they had... Hide their good attributes behind a basket of bravo and I tend to feel sad for them instead of being impressed... Some guy might have a LOT of money, but if it is a matter of just 'having' and not doing something with their good fortune, it is a total waste IMHO...
And I know without a doubt our dogs are a mirror or reflection of us... I used to be embarrassed or felt awkward when someone told me how well behaved this dog was or how beautiful that one was, etc... I sure see embarrassment in some people when their dog misbehaves or decides to take a poop on someone else's lawn... Well, most times... sigh...
I take a GREAT deal of pride at adoptions when someone comments the dogs get along so well together, they've never seen such friendly Chihuahuas, or even ask me if I'm sure they are indeed Chihuahuas 'cause most Chis they've seen are 'yappy rat dogs'!!!... If you're stressing, your dogs pick up on it right away for sure --- and usually nervous, respond accordingly...
I guess our communities are direct reflections of our values, desires and dreams - not only for us, but for our children and grandchildren as well... But just like the evil witch in the children stories, people can look into the mirror of themselves and not see what the mirror shows, ya know?... I used to see this all the time when I was a tailor - women would try to fit into clothes a size smaller and/or split out the seams, then complain about the work instead of those extra donuts that showed up on their waists and hips!!!... smile...

That is the real question, huh?... Being as proud of your mirrored reflection at the end of your life as you were when you were young and vibrant?... The frame may change along the way, but we all strive to be a great and shiny reflection of those we love, care about and who have walked, ran, "paw-printed" or journeyed through our life...
I don't have many answers, but I have lots of questions... I'm not so sure I even have a true understanding what is expected of me some days, but the great thing about life is that tomorrow you get to do it all over again, God be willing --- or attempt it at least!... Let's just be glad our life span is not as long as the common housefly, huh?... We gets LOTS of days instead of just 25!!!
As Always,
The Lady